37-year-old Oleg is a father of three little children.

Due to war in eastern Ukraine, his family had to move from their home town of Donetsk to Kotsiubinske village, Kyiv region.

«Up until last moment I believed that the war would end fast and we would soon forget it as a nightmare. My wife had left Donetsk with all our kids still in 2014. And I continued to come back home where my job and my home used to be. When the government announced the cease-fire, we all thought it would last forever. We even decided to come back and celebrate the 2015 New Year’s Eve in our apartment in Donetsk. But there was shelling on that night and a projectile fell down near our apartment building. It hit our boiler house and we were cut off the central heating. For the whole night we had to hide with our kids in one room, closing the windows with pillows not to hear the sounds of shelling. This is how the year 2015 started for us.

That night I realized that we couldn’t stay there any more and that we needed to learn how to live in a new place. The next morning, we took our luggage and went to the train station. It was a terrible experience because people were panicking and kids were crying. This is how we found ourselves in Kotsubinske village”, shares Oleg.

In Kotsiubinske village, this large family from Donetsk was hosted by a Christian center for internally displaced people.  This is where Oleg heard about God and good changes started happening in his life.

On photo – Oleg’s wife with sons

At first, Oleg’s company from Donetsk moved to Kyiv. This gave him his job back and the family could afford to rent their own apartment. Then Oleg following his friends’ recommendation was able to participate in a medical project for internally displaced people carried out by «Emmanuel» Charity Association with financial support of «Pope for Ukraine» Initiative.

This health care initiative carried out at «Medical Mobile Clinic» in Kyiv allows internally displaced persons receive free health care services, including instrumental diagnostics, consultations by medical specialists, dental services and free medicines, if needed.

At the clinic, Oleg was diagnosed with varicose disease and the doctors found a large blood clot in his right leg. The doctors of Medical Mobile Clinic had to call an ambulance taking Oleg to a modern medical center Ibn Sina+ where he had an urgent surgery.

«The situation looked quite dangerous. We had no time to waste. The blood clot could tear off any moment and this could lead to tragic consequences – either the patients disability or even to his premature death. Its a miracle that Oleg came to that medical check-up  at “Medical Mobile Clinic” and we removed the problem on time, said Ammar Mokhamad, Olegs surgeon at Ibn SinaClinic.

Oleg is now back home with his family and his wife Olga decided to undergo a medical screening as well.

«I am grateful to EmmanuelAssociation and to Pope for Ukraine Initiative for your help! You saved my life! Its unbelievable how God can work through various people and even in various cities – just to care for His child!”- said Oleg.

We are grateful to Pope Francis and all Catholic Christians from Europe who answered the Popes call for help the conflict-affected people of Donbass!

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